Dear me,
Hey friend. I know you haven't been feeling like yourself lately, and sometimes you feel like don't even know who "yourself" is, which just perpetuates this cycle of self doubt. You feel like the world is against you. You also feel like a burden and an annoyance to the people you care about. This frustrates you so much because it seems like just a few months ago you were completely happy, confident and care-free.
I'm here to tell you that it's okay that sometimes you lack in confidence, get anxious for no reason, or you go through depressed periods. This in no way takes away how far you've come. Don't be too hard on yourself. Don't let these moments upset you too much, or think that you are taking a step back or failing. I'm so extremely proud of you always. You come so far in this fight for you mental health and this rut won't break you.
Remember self care is important. Don't make yourself feel guilty for going through these ruts. Realize that your feelings are valid and you aren't purposefully trying to feel this way. It's okay to have a night in and just watch Netflix. When you feel like this, do things that make you happy. This is not me being like "to feel less depressed, do things you love!" No, no, none of that mental health shaming here. I'm telling you that doing things that make you happy may make you feel better for a moment and may remind you of who you are. These little happy activities aren't going to be a cure all, but they will be helpful.
Self care also means removing yourself from people or situations that bring negativity to you. Unfortunately there are going to be some people that make you feel like you're are not enough. That you need to be fixed. That you are a problem and you are broken. Don't you dare listen to them. Don't for one second believe that you are not good enough. You deserve to have just as much of a voice as everyone else. Don't you dare let someone else tell you who you are.
I want to remind you that even though you may not believe it right now: you are truly amazing. You have an amazing personality, remarkable character and wise spirit. Your empathy for others is one of your most extraordinary gifts. You truly care about people and things even though they don't directly affect you. You also go out of your way to always make other feel included and loved. You to your core are extremely caring and kind. Not to mention you are absolutely hilarious! You seriously have such a unique, witty, and uncanny since of humor. You really are an amazing person and friend.
So friend, I'm here to tell you that it's going to be okay. I know that ambiguous saying: "it's going to be OK." isn't giving you much peace right now and you may not believe that at all. I promise you though, it will. It will be more than OK, things will turn out amazing. Just keep doing what you need, and take care of yourself, keep being the loving human I know you can be.
Love you with all my heart,