To be honest, there have been plenty of times since I was four years old when I wished I was an only child. But here's a secret I haven't shared with you: I don't know who I would be without you.
I would probably be a very lonely person. I wouldn't have anyone to talk to about all my awkard encounters with boys. I wouldn't have anyone to eat pizza, buffalo wings, or Chinese food with. And I wouldn't have anyone to tell me I need hairspary because my hair looks a little flat.
There have been plenty of times we've fought for absolutely no reason at all. And every time Dad tells us to stop because we are going to be each other's best friend when we grow old and gray. He's so right.
I watch other siblings have arguments and they don't talk to each other for days. I don't understand how they can go that long without any interaction. I am forever grateful for our relationship.
I am watching you grow right before my very eyes. You become more and more intelligent with every passing day. You're also becoming quite stylish each passing day thanks to my closet.
You are blossoming into a beautiful little flower. All of your passions are coming out of pores the way a roses petals bloom. I already know you will do big things in life.
I know there will be moments in your life when you'll feel like your love and passion isn't enough to withstand the harsh criticisms of the world, but please keep pushing forward and never let fear get in the way.
So many people tell me you look up to me and I need to set a good example for you, but they don't know how much pressure that is. At least I know when I make a mistake you won't judge me, and you know I make a lot of them.
I know what is in store for you when you're my age and I don't want you to face all the challenges I had to face. I want to save you from making mistakes, but I know you have to make them to learn what's right and what's wrong.
I appreciate all the times you've covered for me and probably will cover for me in the future. There are just some things I can trust you with. And FYI, I've got your back too.
Whenever there's conflict within your friend group I'm always on your side. Whenever a boy breaks your heart, I'll be the first person to tell you he was an idiot anyway. Whenever you feel like no one's listen to you I'm all ears.
I will take a bullet (probably not to the heart but maybe to the leg) for you and I know you'll do the same.
There are going to so many times when you're too stressed (and you definitely don't feel #blessed) and I want you to know I've been there and I live to tell you I've made it out alive.
You're at a point in your life where so many things are changing and moving so fast. Do me a favor, because I didn't know this when I was your age, and slow down. Smell the cliche roses, hell, pick the roses and put them in a pretty vase to remind you of the wonderful time you had.
You're my best friend, I love you and I can't wait to stand next to you on your wedding day.