Every year you and your sibling will get older because there is no stopping time. When you have already graduated high school and been through college, you learn a thing or two about the world. So this article is to all the younger siblings from their older sibling.
We may not tell you all the time how proud we are of you, but we very much are. Through all the fights, the bickering, and all the times we made mom pull her hair out - you are my sibling and best friend. Right now, graduating high school and moving on to college is all that you can think about. I did too when I was in your position. This is your time to get out in the world and be on your own. But graduating high school means so much more than that.
Graduating high school will be something that you remember forever. Down the road, you will remember all the friends that you had and you will look at how many of them you still talk to. The number will not be as great, but that's because only your truest friends stick around. You will remember all the nights that you played varsity football and the coaches that became mentors, and all the teammates that became bothers.You will remember standing on that football field, looking toward the stands and thinking you hope this feeling could last forever.
As your high school year rolls on, you will think to yourself every day, "I cannot wait to graduate." What do us older brothers and sisters have to say? Slow down, take it in - because it doesn't last forever. if you are on your way to college after graduation, you are walking into a new world. The professors are tough, the school is new, and you might think you know what you are doing, but truth is you don't. It takes most people until their last year of college to truly get it together and focus on what they need to do. Why? College is going to throw many paths and things at you. The partying. The all-nighters. The study groups. Finding where you fit in. How much money do I have left? The new friends. All the times you want to call home and tell your parents you want to quit. College is a new reality that we all believed we were ready for.
So as your older sibling, I want you to take the time to slow down and enjoy life right now. Enjoy the moments, the people, the things you get to do. People will tell you that you will never miss high school. That is a lie because you will. You will look back and you will remember everything. You will smile because of the memories you made and maybe even cry for the bad times. Your high school experience will be something that cannot be replaced. Live in the moment every day and love life.
To my younger brother graduating, you are my best friend, my go-to guy, my main man. I am so proud of you! Enjoy high school as much as you possibly can because time only moves forward.
Your older sibling