Dear Younger Self,
I just want to start by saying that it is okay to not be perfect and you will never be perfect. But, news flash, nobody is. Oh, how I wish there was a way to send this back to younger you. There were so many times where I was killing myself trying to be this person that I wasn't trying to please everyone but myself. Eventually I realized that I was doing things for the wrong reasons, and I learned the hard way.
Don't take every little thing so seriously. It will not be the end of the world and even though some of these things feel like the end of the world I promise they aren't. One day you will look back and realize some of the hardest times were some of the biggest blessings in disguise.
Not everyone in your life is there to stay forever and that is alright. People will come and go in your life. There will be ones that stick with you and there will be new people in your life that you do not know how you lived without them.
Enjoy every little moment. You never know when the last time will be the last time. Enjoy the people, make memories, hug your family, thank your parents, and most importantly be happy. When you look back you won't remember that bad lab grade that was posted the night before Thanksgiving, but you will remember your cousin looking back calling your name when you walk in the door. Little do you know that is the last Thanksgiving you hear him call your name. Focus on the good and don't stress over what you can't change.
Love is a funny thing. Love never really makes sense but it does at the same time. It can be the thing that puts a huge smile on your face and makes your heart skip, but it can also crush you like a ton of bricks. Do not shut down after you get heartbroken because then you hurt yourself more. The hurt and heartache is nothing compared to the love you will feel one day.
Just remember the most important thing is to be happy. Enjoy this life because you only get one. It is okay to make decisions solely based on what you want. It is okay that things are not always okay. Life is a rollercoaster ride, and you get the highs with the lows as well as the loops.
Just remember that the world isn't ending because you have a bad day.
Your Future Self