Dear Summer,
As I was approaching the end of my first year of college, it felt like you couldn’t come any slower. With finals week wearing me down day by day, I never thought I would know what a full night’s rest felt like again. Once the last bubble on my answer sheet was filled in, I could finally taste the freedom that you always seem to bring with you.
Before I could fully enjoy that freedom, I had pack up all my belongings and move back home. Bittersweet would be the only word I could use to describe that moment. I was happy to be back home with family, friends, and my dog (of course), but I was also sad that I had to leave the town that had impacted my life in such a short amount of time. The adjustment to life back at home was difficult at first. All my friends were not across the hall from me anymore. Instead of sending text in the group message to meet up in five minutes for a trip to town, we had to plan a day and time that worked best for most people. Often, we would say to each other, “I am so excited to be back at school with everyone.”
It seems like in high school summer is all too short, but drags on forever once you are a college student. More times than not, I found myself trying to find more things to do to fill the time. Don’t get me wrong, though. I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had at home. I painted, read a few books, and caught up on my favorite Netflix shows. Those were just the things I did in my free time.
I would like to thank you, summer, for giving me opportunities for much needed rest. I caught up on all the hours of sleep that I lost during the school year. Maybe I have replenished my rest enough to get me through another year of college (but I doubt it). Along with increased rest time, you gave me opportunities to spend time with my best friend from home. Due to our busy schedules during the year, we were unable to hang out as much as we did before I moved away. Thank you for endless hours we spent laughing, eating ice cream, and catching up with each other. If that was the best thing that came out of such a long break, I will be forever grateful. You also brought an opportunity for adventure. In early June, I traveled to Manitou Springs, Colorado for two weeks where I was submerged in an experience that strengthened my walk with Jesus Christ. Summit was an amazing experience that I will always carry with me.
All in all, you were good to me, summer. Despite the sadness I experience at the beginning, you brought me some great memories. I am looking forward to this new school and all the new experiences that are on the horizon. Even though I am excited to move back and start my sophomore year, you will not be forgotten. The times of laughter, joy, and sadness will be stored in my heart.
Until next time,