We’ve all had that one educator that has truly impacted us by changing the way we view the world. Growing up, I always knew that one day I wanted to be that person for someone else. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that my opportunity to impact the lives of young minds would be arise when I myself was still a budding, young mind.
An opportunity to help 22 incoming freshman navigate their first quarter at DePaul University was one that was too good to be true, so naturally I took it. I found myself donning the title of Chicago Quarter Mentor and I packed my backpack with all the life lessons I had learned this past year and prepared myself to convince 22 brilliant, inquisitive minds that I could be there go-to person this quarter.
One week, 22 students, countless CTA train rides, numerous awkward ice-breakers and an in-depth tour of the Chicago justice system later I realized that I lucked out with quite possibly the best group of students. While our week was focused on teaching them the ins and outs of Chicago they still have a wide range of lessons to learn but I couldn’t be more excited to be there to help them in any way possible this quarter.
Without further ado, here is an open letter to my students and any other excited and nervous freshman getting ready to start some of the best years of their lives.
Dear Students,
Can you believe it? The time has finally come to start possibly one of the most challenging chapters of your life. Spending this past week with you all has been one of the best learning experiences I have had to date. It’s been wonderful because I have seen you grow in such a short amount of time. I saw growth in the way you inquired about which train stop to get off at everyday and I saw it in the way you all stood a little bit taller, and the way you seemed to have a lot more at ease about college by the end of our week together.
Today is the day you take another big step towards becoming a grown-up. From this point forward, it is your job to show up and learn. I’m not just talking about learning from professors; I’m talking about learning more about yourself and how you want to impact this world. Today you become accountable for yourself.
As you show up to your first classes and become bombarded with syllabi and the doubt about whether or not you can do this whole college thing sets in, do me a favor and soak it all in. Soak in the feeling of being handed a clean slate. Soak in the bustling students and the opportunity of becoming anything that you want to become. You have gotten yourself here; you’ve fought through endless hours of homework, sleepless nights and agonizing placement tests. And now you’re here, enjoy it all and have faith in yourself. Most importantly remember that the world is at your fingertips. You will never be this young again. So soak it all, sit in the front row, take notes, ask questions and enjoy it.
Time has a habit of speeding up when you’re in college. In the famous words of Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
Today is your day to stop and look around. Don’t worry about not being ready or all the ways you could possibly mess this up. Worry about living life and having great stories to tell. You’ll make mistakes, a whole lot of them, but our setbacks are what make life worth living because that’s when we really learn about ourselves. So you may miss the right train stop and you might forget to take notes or you’ll get into a fight with your roommate, but don’t let any of that take away from the fact that you got yourself here. It’s your first day of college and you are much braver and smarter than you believe.
You’re ready for all of this crazy grown-up business. I promise.
Your Chicago Quarter Mentor,
P.S. I’m rooting for you.