Corazones Unidos Siempre, Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority, Incorporated, there is so much I can say about you. You took me in when I thought I didn't belong. You gave me a sisterhood where I could embrace my cultural roots and gain an everlasting support system. You accepted me as an awkward caterpillar and gave me a chrysalis where I could grow and flourish. You showed me everything I could become and more.
Most people think that when girls join a sorority, they are buying friends. In reality, I "bought" a reflection of my values and a reflection of myself. Joining a sisterhood that was founded by 7 Latina women reminded me of home - a place where us women outnumber the men and where I was always taught to be independent, strong, and vocal. Mami would always say my great-grandmother's catchphrase "No chichimecas* allowed" followed by a "ponte las pilas** and get to work." I saw this same attitude in the sisters I met. There was a confidence that I hoped I would be able to have too. My sisters inspire me. They were and are everything I want and strive to be.
My sorority has not only given me a great support system, but it has also given me self-confidence. Obviously, self-confidence doesn't grow overnight, but I could sense the change within myself during and after the completion of my educational process. It took a lot of sacrifices to make through the educational process, but I wouldn't change a thing. Persistence can get you anywhere you want to go as long as you remember your why. Passion is a driving force that will guide you towards the light. I am so thankful my organization was put in my path. It has allowed to me grow my leadership skills while being able to educate others on issues that I am passionate about. The importance of political, educational, cultural, and social awareness is at an all-time high with the current political climate. All four awarenesses intersect and cover a variety of issues that affect everyone. To be silent is to be complicit and that's the opposite of what my organization has taught me to be. Use your voice. Use your vote.
*chichimecas: My family defines chichimecas as wimps or people who give up easily
**ponte las pilas: It means to pull yourself together