To my strong, determined, free-spirited Sister,
I actually cannot believe you are already graduating high school. Where have the years gone? I remember like it was just yesterday playing outside on our playground for hours on end, or making up dance routines and throwing impromptu talent shows for the rest of the family. I would always do some sort of gymnastics routine, involving backbends or aerobatics of some sort. You would always do an impersonation or tell jokes because you were the “funny one”, and also because you were about as flexible as skinny jeans (aka not at all…).
Sister, I could go on for hours reminiscing on all of our memories and good times we have shared together, but that is not the point of this letter. I am writing this to you to remind you of how proud I am of all of the accomplishments you have made, even though you probably already know that. I want to pass on some of the advice that has helped guide me through the same transition that you are experiencing right now.
Sister, this time in your life is full of both amazing and terrifying moments, all pieced together to create this crazy thing called graduation. You have already been going through many “lasts” during the past few months: whether it be volleyball games, prom, basketball, or just spending time with friends and family— it’s a chapter of your life that is coming to a close. However, with this new transition also comes new opportunities.
Sister, I know that it has not been easy for you to embrace all of these changes that are happening in your life. It can be a lot of pressure, and seem overwhelming to suddenly be faced with all of these huge decisions. I just want you to know that no matter what choices you make in life, I will be here to support you no matter what. This is a time in your life that will provide you with so many opportunities and adventures, and I hope that you seize every single one of them. I want you to know that this time in your life is only the beginning for you, and that you can accomplish absolutely anything you set your mind to. It is okay to make mistakes, to fail, and to admit when things are hard. Learning how to be vulnerable will help you grow as a person, and also reassures everyone back home that you are being honest with yourself. Nobody ever said that college would be easy, but I know how strong and capable you are. Trust me sister, you will be just fine.
Sister, I am going to miss you more than you will ever know while you are away at school. Even though I started my own college experience this year and wasn't at home much, I still felt the comfort of knowing you were at home keeping the rest of the family in order. Now that you are graduating high school and going away to school as well, it makes it even harder to think about both of us being gone. If I could give you any piece of advice, it would be to cherish your time with family and close friends. These people will be by your side for forever, and being away from them truly makes you realize how much we often take their love for granted. I am so glad that we became closer this year (as the saying goes “distance makes the heart grow fonder…) and I know that our relationship will continue to grow stronger as we get older.
I am writing you this letter to let you know that you are at a point in your life that will be filled with both endings and beginnings. I want you to take a deep breath, relax, and embrace all of the little moments around you. Be present, and live in the moment. It may feel like everyone around you is freaking out and bombarding you with questions about your future, but trust me, this just comes from a place of love. I want you to know that I am proud to call you my sister, and that you inspire me to work hard and never give up on my goals. You have accomplished so much throughout your past four years in high school, and I cant wait to see all of the amazing things the next four years will have in store as well. I hope that this letter provides a sense of comfort to you, and that you come back to this whenever you need a little reminder of how much you are loved. Sister, a new chapter in your life may be approaching, but just know that I will be beside you every step of the way.
“…Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go,” Joshua 1:9.