Dear significant other:
This letter is not intended to be lovey and gooey spewing with glitter and hearts. I am not driven to write a letter to you, my love, with false hope. I cannot say we will live together forever, or that you are my one and only forever and always. Because realistically, the idea of "forever" can be very vague and challenging to comprehend, just as time itself is challenging to grasp when asked what is considered your "forever." It's nonviable to put a time frame on a relationship, however, a relationship of any kind is simply synchronizing two lives together to enjoy your time on this earth alongside each other.
I truly enjoy my time on this earth with you. Not all bindings of love mean commitment and marriage; many seem to forget that a relationship is the correspondence of two people who have a strong bond. I am constantly bonded to you. Your energy and mine have seemed too sulked into each other and projected a much brighter ray of light to the rest of the world. Not only does our energy bounce off of each other, but it seems as though our humorous personality’s do the same. It is as if we have rehearsed for hours, learning the punch lines and catching the ques of when to say another quick response, a perfect slap stick if you ask me. But you’re always the one to make me laugh more.
The oddest part of embarking on a journey with someone to pursue greatness is the vulnerability that will begin to take place. With any close friendship, you slowly begin to feel open and comfortable by communicating issues and personal struggles. I was never scared to open up with you. Lucky for us, I had met you in a past life and the connection we have goes beyond scary stories and elongates to truly caring for one another, what many call true love. I whole heartedly care for your wellbeing and happiness. Beyond wanting you for myself, but rather a love that pushes you out of the nest and yells, “Fly! Fly!”
I really admire you; you are one of the most unique people that I have ever encountered. You’re so bright, and you do not even know it. The way you look at the world and the questions you ask myself and others is eye opening. You’re one of the most attractive people I know as well. You hold yourself tall and proud with the sweetest grin.
I must thank you, love, for you have molded me into a person who can now bare hope for a better future and you have allowed me to now shape myself into whoever I want to be. Without the moral support, the question remains if I would be the person I am today without the insight from you and the knowledge your personal stories and observations have granted me. I question if I would be as strong as I am today. However, I do not wish to find out otherwise.