Hey Senior,
From the day I first met you, you have been the sunshine in my life, my role model, the girl made of smiles. I could not be more grateful for the powerful impact you have made on me these past few months. You and your friends have always included me on your plans, and I can't tell you how much that meant to me my first year in college, when everyone and everything was unknown. You've answered my constant texts filled with stupid questions; you were always so patient when I would run super duper late which happened waaay too often; you've sat on the floor beside me and wiped my tears when my mom couldn't.
I can honestly say that my freshman year would have been very, very different without you and your drive to always work hard while staying positive and kind. Your brilliant mind will take you far but your big, beautiful heart will take you even further.
Because of your maturity, I was inspired to use my time wisely, get good grades, and not judge others. Thanks for letting my hang in your apartment and for buying me drinks. I hope I can do the same for some little freshman once I'm a senior.
Remember that one time we were out that Friday night, and I told you how I hope we’ll be lifelong friends? I meant that that with every ounce of my being.
I wish you all the luck in the world and know you’ll do amazing things. Stay in touch.
Forever and always,Freshman