Dear Returning Roommate,
First, I want to say thank you. Thank you for deciding to live with me again. I really mean this. Some days I would not even want to live with myself. You take me as I am. You help me through the hard times and remind me to have my daily laugh. You are the best, and I am not just saying that.
You stay up with me until the early hours at times when I cannot sleep because you want to be there for me. You text me good night when I do not see you for a whole day to remind me that there is no escaping. I try to hide when things are not going well, but you have lived with me before, so there is no luck with that, is there? It is nice when life gives you someone to be there, in the same room, when you need a midnight talk session.
You deal with me and all my quirks. You have learned to let me watch Grey's Anatomy and scream at the TV without weird looks. You've let me watch all the basketball games I want. Sometimes you'll even show slight interest as to who is winning the game, making me feel great trying to explain the game to you. You don't get mad when I have subtitles on (sorry, but sometimes I have an easier time processing if I can see what is being said, not just hearing it). Thank you for that.
We have endless inside jokes together. Thank you for teaching me to not put a plastic fork in the microwave (seriously, you'll never live that one down). Thank you for the moments of talking about things that to those who overhear our conversation might think we are crazy. I do not know where I would be without these memories- I am so glad I went through them with you.
Thank you for never caring about how messy things can get during the week. It is so hard when I am not around unless I am sleeping at times and you never say a word. Thank you for trusting that I will get the chores done. Thank you for the spontaneous trips to the store and for convincing me to buy the Ben and Jerry's ice cream once in a while. You truly know what makes my day.
I cannot imagine life without you. It took me a few tries, but I am glad I found a roommate that I can live with for multiple semesters. My college days would certainly be more boring if you didn't encourage me to put the homework down once in a while and explore. Your patience with me does not go unnoticed, and I have to thank you for that too. No matter where I go in life, I know I will have you to fall back on and that means more than you can ever know. Thank you for living with me, and most importantly, being you.
Love you always,
Your roommate