To my birth parents:
I just wanted to say, thank you. Thank you for giving me the best life plus more.
It's weird writing a thank you letter to someone I've never met before. I don't know your name, where you live now, or what you look like. One thing I do know is that 20 year ago, you left me on hospital steps and soon after, a police officer found me and put me in an orphanage.
One and half short years later, I was adopted. I was welcomed into the most loving, caring, and kind family ever possible. Since, I have grown up, more blessed than I could have ever imagined. I am in college getting an education and constantly surrounding myself around people who love me unconditionally.
I hope you know that I have never thought of you as a bad person and hope you don't feel guilty about leaving me. Although I don't fully understand the situation you were in, I know "giving me up" was the best solution for you at the time. The best part of that solution is that you weren't "giving me up," you were giving me a chance at life.
In my eyes, you are an unbelievably selfless, strong, and charismatic person.
If I am being honest, part of me wishes you left a note or a photo with me. Anything that could give me more of a glimpse of who you are or what you're like. I have always been so curious of what genetics were passed down to me or what I would like when I'm older. I am always thinking about what if I had siblings across the world that look like me too.
If anything, I hope you are doing well now. I hope you have been just as happy as I have been in the past 20 years. I pray you are healing from any pain you've experienced in that past. I hope you know how thankful I am for you and the chance at life you gave me.