My planner could be considered one of my most prized possessions. Not because it's expensive (I think I purchased it from Walmart), not because it holds any sentimental value (like I said: Walmart), but because it basically holds my entire life. I would feel lost without my planner, and it's crazy that I haven't written a thank-you letter to this inanimate object yet. So without further delay, here is my open letter to my planner.
Dear Planner,
First of all, I'm sorry that your wire binding isn't as stable as it used to be. From me constantly putting you in and out of my already overflowing backpack, you definitely are starting to show some wear and tear. But I think that's just fine because it's what's on the inside that really counts.
And you have quite a lot to offer on the inside. I have two pages dedicated to every month this year, and then I have generous space for each day, including the weekends. Flipping through your worn pages, it's obvious that you are suffering from information overload. My black-inked scribble is everywhere, reminding me of what seems like about a million papers, presentations, projects, exams, and group meetings - a perfect reflection of what it's like to take 18 credits in one semester.
You aren't just dedicated to school, though. You contain all my other to-do list items as well - I can spot the words "laundry," "call mom," "paint nails," "grocery shopping," among others, popping up on a weekly basis. And, of course, nothing beats the sense of satisfaction of being able to highlight an item, indicating that I have completed that task. The result is a rainbow of nine highlighter colors decorating your inside, giving me a pleasing way to see all my accomplishments, no matter how big or small.
Thank you for helping me keep my life together. I can't imagine going through college - or life in general - without writing down all of my priorities ahead of time. You have my whole life scribbled and highlighted in your pages, and you probably know my day-to-day life better than anyone.
Thanks, planner. I don't know what I would do without you.