Thank you for teaching me so many things that I will carry through the rest of my life.
Thank you for not only being the best cook and the best crafter on this planet, but being my best friends.
Thank you for teaching me that my mom does the things she does for a reason and that everything will be okay between us.
Thank you for teaching me that my dad is the way he is for a reason and that he only wants what is best for me.
Thank you for proving to me that different generations can relate in more ways than I ever thought possible.
Thank you for teaching me how to sew and how words can be your greatest weapon.
Thank you for teaching me how to bake and how to eat more raw batter than the finished product.
Thank you for always reminding me that no matter how alone I feel you are always thinking about me.
Thank you for showing me that even in age, beauty is a thing that radiates out from within you because in my eyes, I aspire to be just like you both.
Thank you for showering me with gifts and sweets when my parents weren't looking and sending me back to them in complete chaos.
Thank you for being next to me in my hardest times and my best ones.
Thank you both, for showing me exactly what a strong women does and should look like.
Thank you for raising the children who grew up to raise me who I look up to more than anyone else.
One of you taught me how to love with my whole heart and the other how to make sure not to love too hard and keep my guard up when I should.
Thank you for being the reason that I am who I am today.