Dear Scholar,
I first want you to know how proud of you I am. It takes a lot of determination to chase your dreams. But, it takes more to do it with a job and a family. It takes a special kind of person to be able to multitask all you do at once. But, like you do everything else, you are doing this.
You have always been my hero. Before the moment I could understand that you were my parent, I have loved you. You have been there through my toughest moments, and you have watched me grown. Now, I want to do the same for you. You are a leader. You furthering your education will enhance that. You are the type of person who can do literally anything once you put your mind to it.
I admire you for wanting to better your life. You bettering your life betters mine and my siblings'. I always want you to remember you going back to school is not selfish, it is deserved. In the end, your degree will symbolize everything you busted your butt for, everything I knew you could accomplish.
I want you to remember that there will be setbacks. Life will get in the way at times, and criticism is hard to take. Failure sucks, but it might happen. Don’t take it personally. Remember to finish strong and keep going. A bad grade on a test or in a class does not quantify your intelligence. You are more than a grade on a piece of paper; you are a brilliant and capable individual who I love to the ends of the Earth.
Your admiring daughter