Hey, Roomie!
I see you're very stressed out, and I can only imagine why this time. Your clinical instructor was an ass. The girl in your class smells. The other girl in your class thinks she knows better than your professor that has been a nurse for at least 10 years. You're overwhelmed with the fact that you have two reports, clinical, more reading than I can imagine. And it's all due tomorrow?
I get it. College is beyond stressful and knowing someone's life will be in your hands one day in the near future is nerve-wracking. But it is also incredible at the same time. You will have the responsibility of monitoring someone's friend, cousin, sister, brother, or spouse. A loved one to someone else will be depending on you for the most basic life needs.
For this, I want to say I am proud of you. I don't think I would be able to handle everything you do on top of the added stress of the future. Right now, everything may seem like life has piled up on you. It may seem like the classes and busy-work is never ending. (Which seems to be true.)
But in however many months, the papers you write will not be random care plans. The papers you write will let doctors, families, friends and other health professionals know the status of a patient while you treat them.
The hours you spent reading will pay off. Before you know it, you won't have to open your textbook to find the answer. You will be put in a situation where the only time you will have is to asses a patient and act.
Before you know it, you will have graduated and passed your NCLEX. When you sign your name, you will add "BSN, RN."
There will be hard days and there will be good days - just like there are now. But just remember, although you are stressed and that girl in your class is pushing your last button, you are so close.
So just hang in there. Push through. Continue to study as hard as you can. Vent to me about every stupid person in your class.
And know I'll always be your biggest supporter. After all, I'll need my own personal nurse one day.
Your Roomie