Let me begin this by saying that I think you're an incredible person for the things that you do. I can't even imagine what you go through day to day at your job. Nobody understands how hard it is for you to keep your cool and all that stress that you're put under day to day, but I, along with many other people appreciate the sacrifices you make everyday.
It's hard not having you home on holidays. It hurts at times, especially when it's Thanksgiving and we have to have our meal without you or when I have to wake up on Christmas day and not have my mom home to watch me open presents like the mature adult that I am. It's okay though. I know that you do all of this for me and all of your patients. There are nights where you won't even sleep a wink and then you go in and pull off a 16-18 hour shift like it's nothing even if you can hardly stay awake at the end of the day. I understand that there are things that you can't do with us because of your job and that's okay.
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When you call me on your lunch break or at times when you finally get a break to go to the bathroom in between patients and you're in tears, it rips my heart apart. I wish I could take that pain away from you. I've heard all of your stories on your patients' lives, on how you've had to tell them they have cancer and you sit there and cry with them, or how you comfort a family when their mom or dad is dying. I know you always say that you don't want to bother me by calling me and telling me about the terrible day you've had, but please know that I'm always here. I complain to you all the time about school, boys, and everything in between, so you are more than welcome to take away some of my time just so you have someone to talk to when nobody else seems to want to listen.
If everyone could just take a day and walk in your shoes and do what you do all the time, I still don't think they'd understand. It takes a very dedicated and caring person to do what you do. You've impacted countless lives and I think it's amazing how many people love you because at one point in life when they weren't doing so well you were there and you helped them through it.
So the next time that you feel like you're just wiping someone's butt, giving them a bath, or listening to them complain about their kids, just remember that I look up to you. I may not be going for the same line of work that you are, but I hope that I can be as strong as you one day; strong enough to lift up 300 pound patients off the floor when they slip, strong enough to go an entire day without a meal because you were understaffed that day, and strong enough to handle all the emotions that are thrown your way. Thank you for all that you do and I am so proud of you for balancing family on top of work and making sure that everyone you come across in life is happy and you brighten a room wherever you go.