I am still not quite sure how you are already in high school, nor am I sure who told you it was okay to get older, but don’t forget that for all intensive purposes you are in fact still my little sister.
What does this mean, you ask? Well, a lot of different things actually.
This means in my eyes you will always be the little, crooked-tooth-smiling ray of sunshine who dresses up as a macaroni and cheese box for Halloween. This means you will always be under the big brother radar from boys who do not meet my standards for you. This means you will always have a buddy to push you around the mall in a wheelchair when you get a sports injury but really want to get out of the house. This means you will always have a best friend and a biggest fan. But most of all, this means you will always be loved unconditionally.
The thing about having a big brother is, well, we’re kind of the best. Not to mention, whether I want to be or not, you have me wrapped around your little finger. From cuddling in your bed when you want a warm buddy to snuggle at night, to surprising you with Starbucks at random times, there is nothing else that makes a big brother happier than seeing you smile, knowing you’re genuinely happy, and making your day.
Personally, the power little sisters have over big brothers is not fair and we both know that. But still, they continue to use their magical little sister magic that makes us at their service at the drop of a pin.
But despite driving me crazy, I secretly don’t mind (even if I act super annoyed; it’s just part of the cover up.)
Even so, there is no mistaking that I could not imagine my life without you in it. There is nothing better than living with your best friend. For example, a list of things that I could not do if you weren’t in my life include:
- Go on 2 A.M. diner trips to get a milkshake and some fries
- Play volleyball all summer long in the driveway
- Travel the country watching you play sports
- Have a buddy to jam with while doing the dishes
- Having a partner in crime for any crazy errand Mom needs me to run
- Have a person to annoy for the heck of it
This list is quite literally endless, so I think I’ll save you the time and stop there.
On a more serious note, there are a few things I would like you to know from personal experience that I think you could benefit from.
First things first, never sell yourself short, kid. This has turned into a cliché quote in today’s world, but that’s only because people say it and rarely do it. If there’s anyone who believes in how much you can achieve in the classroom, in sports, or in life, it’s me. I wish I could take the belief I have in you and make you feel it. But since I can’t do that, this is the next best option. If for whatever reason you’re feeling low, unconfident, I’m just a call away.
Similar to the last, but significant enough to bring up as its own point, follow your dreams fearlessly and aggressively. Your dream is entirely individualized to you; you have to power to pursue whatever you desire. How exciting is that? Whatever that may be for you, remember that you are worthy of achieving it and that there is no one in the world more deserving of it than you, because you always work harder than anyone else. I may be biased as I am your biggest fan, but what I say is fact and you have the ability to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve, so do it. Chase it. When it gets hard and you wonder why on earth you started, I will be there and I will not let you give up. I will be your biggest fan until the end of time.
Last but not least, love yourself. If there’s one thing I have learned it’s that you are who you are, and God made you that way for a reason. The world needs you. Instead of tweaking and toying with your personality, or your look, embrace what you’ve been blessed with and be who you are. Love and embrace the beautiful mess you are and always will be, and never forget to forgive yourself often, because mistakes happen. And that’s okay. Love yourself, love your abilities, and allow yourself to be loved for them. If there’s anyone who loves you beyond a shadow of a doubt, it’s me and the rest of our family. We love everything about you.
Now, being in college is hard on me. Don’t think for a second that I go a day away at college without feeling a little bit of sadness knowing you’re at home growing up, playing your favorite sport, and I am missing it. That kills me more than I ever show or communicate with you, but it’s the truth. And I’m going to speak for you and say you miss me too, I mean, how could you not? I am the coolest after all.
So continue being amazing, continue doing the things you love, and continue to love yourself. You’re doing a fantastic job at it.
You are perfect just as you are, and although you drive me crazy half the time, I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Keep kicking butt, kid.
Your Big Brother