Whenever I walk into your small room at Joseph’s Creek Care Village I am amazed by how decorative you manage to be, even though you can’t really move your arms. I find myself continually amazed by the blues, greens and perfect off-white tones you surround yourself with. Tasteful, Porcelain figurines of birds guard each corner of your well-lit living space. They light my smile whenever I sit down beside one of them to strike up a conversation with you.
We talk about life, my dreams and aspirations, my husband, our God, our powerful feelings versus the truth and of course… we talk about chocolate. You have always been such an amazing listener. It’s an understatement to say I feel perfectly at home whenever I am with you as you are such a beautiful reflection of God’s heart towards His daughter.
You have always been such an amazing listener.
You are your Heavenly Father’s Daughter. He has shaped and molded your heart where human attempt failed. He has lifted you, a rising Phoenix, from the ashes and given you a fiery heart for His name. You are a prayer warrior. The spinning planet we call home would look different if you were not seated firmly on it.
I mean every word.
Mom, you, the woman who have gone through so much pain, are the source of my most profound inspiration. You are one of the biggest reasons as to why I am the way I am. It is because of your love for me that I have the beginning of an understanding of the depth of God’s love for me. Even beyond that, you are the one who has taught me to be polite, loving, caring and generous to those around me.
You are one of the biggest reasons as to why I am the way I am.
I adore your witty sense of humor, your beautiful smile, and your infectious laughter. I love that you have fought things out long enough to stay with me. We have talked about this a couple times… I mean it when I say I didn’t think you would make it to my graduation, much less my wedding. I almost lost you a couple of times but you remain and here you will stay.
I pray this is the truth for many years to come because I am selfish. But really, I am not a small percentile; so many of us who know you are selfish. Good thing you’ve stayed or there may have been an unfortunate, but understandable, uprising.
Thank you for taking me on vacations and impromptu road trips even when I sure as heck didn’t deserve them and for introducing me to people who would support me. Thank you for never giving up on me and always praying over me. Thank you for always wanting the best for me, no matter how badly I messed up.
You have taught me that I am a Princess and have shown me how to walk in this gift. I am to be kind to others but also realize my identity as a Child of the King. I am still learning Mommy but your prayers are helping. You have taught me that beauty isn’t everything but people’s hearts are eternal. This has changed the way I live and interact with those around me for the better. Please pray that I am able to infuse this treasured identity and purpose into the precious women I interact with because they are so worth it.
You have taught me that beauty isn’t everything but people’s hearts are eternal.
You are a treasured gem and I am sorry that I have followed suit with some confused others and don’t always treat you that way. I don’t mean to make excuses but it can be difficult when I’m trying to navigate through this confusing world and its frustrating challenges.
You are a treasured gem…
Honestly Mom, I don’t know what I would do without you. I don’t know who I would be if you weren’t in my life the way you are. I do believe that in His amazing grace our Heavenly Father has allowed you to remain in my life.
Yes, sometimes we annoy the crap out of each other. We have differing options and strong wills. Through our less pleasant interactions, I am learning to let go of my side of things and let God. This is yet another of the invaluable lessons my relationship with you has led to.
Please know that even when we argue I will never stop loving you. I will never stop appreciating you. I will always be a reflection of the heart God has placed in you. He gave you the wisdom to raise me in this world and it’s made a world of difference to me. Thank you for listening to Him and following Him with all your heart.
I must confess, I feel tinges of His overwhelming love for you Mommy just like I feel the ones you have for me. It’s such a shame…I know these words could flow for much longer and please know in my mind they do. I will forever love you. Forever.
Forever Your Little Princess.