Dear Mom,
Today is your birthday so today and everyday you deserve to hear the amazing things that you are to me. Keep in mind this list could go on and on but here's just the beginning of it.
You are...
My Biggest Role Model
When I "grow up" I hope to be all that you are in a mom, friend and human being. You are such an amazing image of what it means to love others well, be a follower of Jesus and make a difference in the world. I aspire to be like you in so many ways because you inspire me each an every day with your kindness, love, joy and faith. I hope that someday, I am just a fraction of the incredible person you are to every individual you encounter.
My "Go-To"
You are the first person I call or run to when I get the best or the worst news, need encouragement or just need someone to talk to as I awkwardly walk between classes. Sure I have close friends, but no one compares to the conversations we have and the words of wisdom you always have to share. Not to mention, you're my favorite person to get a meal with, not only because you pay ;) but because you pay genuine attention to me and know me better than I even know myself.
My Best Source of Advice
Whether I accept it in the moment or not, the advice you have to offer is always the best. No advice will ever be as good as the advice coming from you. I don't know if it's your years of experience in similar situations, genuine calmness and desire to help me or what but the wisdom you have to share in unlike any other.
My Biggest Supporter
Whether I get accepted into a school, get an A on a test I was stressed about or just get off the couch and to the gym, you never fail to remind me how proud you are of me. Not only that but in all the decisions I make, no matter how risky and dumb they may actually be, you always show unwavering support and that means the world to me. I can't imagine a world without you as my biggest cheerleader.
My Reality Check
Man, do you give me a good reality check every once in a while. Whether it's offering the other side to my selfish story or just showing me merely by acting out what it means to love others well, you never fail to put me back where I belong but somehow in the kindest way possible. From anyone else, these may not be received as well, but from you who always has my best interest in mind, I know that they are out of the most love possible.
My Best Friend
Most importantly, you are my best friend. All of these qualities make you the perfect candidate. My friends and those I love may hurt me but I know that no matter what you will be standing by my side to pick me up, offer advice and a reminder of reality, a delicious meal and unconditional love. I have no idea where I would be without you walking through every step of life with me. Thank you for all that you do for me, I love you!