You have seen me grow up from a crazy energetic little girl, to an 18-year-old adult. You had to put up with my frequent made up dances and my obnoxious singing throughout the house for years and still do! You were the one who would play endlessly with me growing up, even when you were exhausted. You would play made up games of teacher, doctor, grocery shopping and house. My favorites. You always managed to put me and my needs first before your own. And still do so to this day.
Thank you for never giving up me. I know I can be a pain and a typical moody teenager, but even when I am you never lose your love for me. You let me be my own person and watch as I make mistakes but always are there when I’m falling down. You are the one that brings me back up.
As I’ve been in college, I have really had time to think about all of the times we have shared and how much you are my best friend. You have managed to find the balance between a friend and a mother, which I will never take for granted. Before anyone else, you saw me as who I am and kept encouraging me to stay that way. You picked me up from heart breaks, triumphs, stress and much more over the years. I truly and will forever be appreciative of that and you. Thank you for keeping me grounded. You never hesitate to remind me where I came from.
Thank you for always letting me come home, even if it's just for the weekend. College can sometimes be too much to handle, and when I need to get away, you always let me come home. Also, thank you for letting me call home. Whether it’s because I am stressed out, upset, something exciting happened or just because I miss hearing your voice.
I love the Friday Nights we used to spend together. Whether it was watching the Hallmark station and having dinner or going for a girl’s night at the mall. I would take that over hanging with friends any day. Thank you for all of our inside jokes and for being weird and silly with me. Thank you for all the laughs you have given me, especially the ones that bring tears to our eyes. You sure do come up with some funny sayings, that’s where I get them from!
You have this sense of inspiration that touches the lives of everyone. You have the biggest heart and the whole world can see it. You have been the most amazing mother any child would ever wish for. I strive to be you one day.
I miss you!
Love you Always.
~Thank you for not only being my Mom, but my Best Friend ~