My little sister is beyond important to me. She's like my designated best friend. We take on the world together—holidays, birthday parties and boring errands. Of course I want someone as important as her to have someone that loves her like crazy.
My sister has been dating a guy for about two years now. In that time, he has become incredibly close to my family. My sister, like any sister, is not the easiest person in the planet to deal with. However, she is still amazing in many ways. You see those wonderful aspects of her character, flaws and all and choose her every day.
I want to take time to say thank you for, not just being her boyfriend, but being the guy you are to her and all of us.
Thank you for showing her how beautiful she is. You constantly compliment her and remind her that you see her as flawless. I know she's beautiful—I see it too. Unfortunately, I have more trouble convincing her.
Thank you for never giving up on her. As I previously stated, she can be awfully difficult at times and stubborn too. Yet you see past that and continue to love her and work hard to keep your relationship growing.
Thank you for being her shoulder to lean on. There are times when she needs someone other than myself or my mom to be there for her (mostly cause she is probably upset with us). I find relief in knowing that she always has a listening ear and comforting arms.
Thank you for supporting her. You push her towards her goals and continuously encourage her to be better. Sometimes she wants to give up but you refuse to let her do so. You're there for her every step of the way.
Thank you for making her laugh. Laughter is a gift and you are the best gift-giver around. You always light up the room and her face. My heart warms at the thought of it.
Thank you for being part of our family. Having you around is honestly like having a brother. You're always welcome at the family events like birthdays, weddings, reunions and just casual gatherings. You are part of the family and we love you.
Thank you for caring not just about her but about our family too. You reach out and help my grandma tske her trash to the road. We need help moving furniture, you show up willing to lend a hand. If anybody is sick, you make sure to check on them. I show up crying at your work and you take a moment to talk to me about whatever has me so upset.
You're a wonderful young man with a big heart and a kind soul. I am so thankful my sister found you.
Thank you for everything you do and everything you are. I love you, bro.