I remember desperately wanting a little sister when I was younger. But then, when you actually came along, I was angry and didn’t want you anymore. In fact, I was jealous of you. I wasn’t ready for an adorable, little you to single-handedly steal all the attention that I alone had basked in for the first five years of my life. But then you crept your way into my heart, just like you did with everyone that came by to coo over you. Your big, round, twinkling, mischievous eyes and your tiny feet that seemed to pitter-patter in all corners of our house made me realize how precious you are. However, it was when you couldn’t fall asleep, when your tiny fingers wrapped around my hair, twirling it ‘round and ‘round until sleep over came you, that I realized how much you mean to me, how much I want to protect you, and how much I love you. From the little girl who used to go to Kindergarten kicking and screaming all the way, to the kind, intelligent, beautiful, compassionate, and hilarious young girl you’ve grown up to be—now starting high school—know that I am so incredibly proud of you. Here are some things I want to tell you as you start this next chapter in your life:
In the next four years, you’ll make mistakes, because everyone inevitably does. No one likes failure; no one wants to experience failure. I want you to know that failure isn’t when you fall down—failure is when you don’t rise up again. Falling down will teach you more valuable lessons than success ever will, so learn from the falls. Learn about who you are and who you want to be. Rise again and again. I know you. I know that you are one of the strongest people I've ever met and I know that you are capable of doing anything you set your mind to.
People will change. You’re at a point in your life where you’re constantly changing, growing, and evolving. When your friends undergo transformations that might not be similar to yours or when you think that you’re growing apart, don’t get mad at them. Don’t hold grudges against them; It’s just a part of growing up. Know that every person who walks into your life will teach you something important if you just let him or her. Don’t cry about the fact that it happened, smile about having such beautiful memories and moments to look back on.
You’ll probably fight with Amma (mom) and Nanngarru (dad). You probably won’t like their over-protectiveness or strict rules. It might not seem fair when they don’t let you go somewhere or do something, especially when it seems like all your friends don’t have those restrictions, but know that they care about you and only want the best for you. Embrace every chance you get to spend time with them because these four years will fly by so incredibly fast, and once you move out, you’ll miss them and Amma’s food.
There will come a moment when you will question your self-worth. In that moment, know that you areenough. You are whole and complete just as you are. You are good enough. You are smart enough. You are strong enough. Your self-worth should not depend on who likes or dislikes you. It shouldn't depend on anyone or anything other than you. Never hand over the keys to your happiness to someone else.
Take chances. Get involved and do things that scare you because doing things that scare you will change and mold you. These experiences will make you more confident, expose you to the outside world, and open countless doors for you in the future.
Never stop being you, my best friend. Never stop being the person I love to irritate, argue with, and fight with. Never stop fighting for what you believe and for the people you believe in. Never let anyone quiet you. Never let anyone dull your sparkle because you are too vibrant. I love you, boo boo. Know that I’m only a phone call or FaceTime away. I will always walk through life with you. I promise.