Dearest Sister,
From the very moment you were born, I knew you would be something special. As an older sister, I worry for you every night. I want the world for you, just as any older sibling wants for their younger ones. I hope that each and every day I make a lasting impression on you and am always exemplary of how you should act and treat people.
Although you are young, I want you to know that I learn just as much from you as I hope you learn from me. You have taught me to ALWAYS sing to any Disney song, no matter what the cost or mood. You, simultaneously, have also taught me that a good Disney sing along session is the cure for anything and everything. You have taught me to never skip out on anything fun and that having passion while doing it is the only way to go about life. I know that you don’t understand the stresses of college, or boys or a social life yet, but you do understand the meaning of friendship and sisterhood already. In these crazy days, I sometimes forget to remind myself of the most important things in life and to not stress so much.
When coming home from a long week of classes, as soon as I see your face light up when I walk in the door, it makes me forget about all the pressure of becoming an adult and takes me back to when I was your age, if only for a moment. I could never thank you enough for that alone.
You are already so hard working in school and it shows in your grades and awards you get all the time. It’s like looking in a reflection of my own childhood, and that makes mom and me so very proud.
Speaking of mom, the best advice I could ever give you is to not argue with her. EVER. She has so much more life experience than anyone you’ll probably ever come across in your time. I’m so serious when I say that she is always right. You have to trust it, even if you are stuck in your own stubborn ways like I was while growing up. She will guide you in the right direction of life and will never judge you for your life decisions. And as happy as I am to say it, she will truly become your best friend, without a doubt.
With your big sister and mom on your side, I want you to know you will never be alone. Even when I move out after college and you are still home, just know I will always be a phone call, FaceTime, car or plane ride away from you. I would never hesitate to be there for you, no matter the circumstance.
I just hope one day you will understand how much I appreciate you as not only my little sister, but as my best friend too.
With love always,
Your Big Sister