My Dearest Little Sis,
The day is here. Congratulations, you are now OFFICIALLY a member of this house and I could not be prouder. This is just the beginning of the best four years of your life and I am here for you through it all.
You did it.
Through the long hours of recruitment, the date-like preference night, and those awkward (but fun) bid day games you found your home and sisters. Already you have had your member meetings, your first date party, and somehow girls you didn’t know a few months ago now know your deepest secrets. A sorority can do crazy things for you, but that is the best part of it all. This house already has offered me so much and best of all, it has brought me you. From the moment we met I knew we had a special bond. Between our lunches, parties, car rides and conversations I knew I found my perfect little sis. You always carry yourself with so much pride and joy and I know you will wear our letters proudly.
In this sorority you will make friends with girls from completely different backgrounds than yourself and learn things that you would have never expected to experience. You will meet a girl who appears strong but will break down from everything she goes through. You will meet a sister whose parent is sick so she solves her problems by getting drunk, but you will understand and be a good sister for her. You will meet someone whose friend has died and she will do whatever it takes to protect her sisters. You will meet these girls and more, and these girls will change your life, and you will change theirs.
You will get involved. You might even take a position. You might tutor a sister when she is in need of raising her GPA. You will create bonds much deeper than the letters on your chest. You will create a pride for your letters and one day you might even share that with a little of your own. And one day it will be you, doing arts and craft projects during big and little week bonding with sisters who you thought you would never get to know. You will spend hundreds of dollars on a girl you met a few weeks before because you knew she was perfect for you, like you for me.
You might go through a phase of wanting nothing to do with the house; you might be upset with some of the rules. But you will remember the love you have for the house, and the love for your sisters and the love your sisters have for you and you will stay.
You might live with sisters. You might even have sisters present at your wedding one day. Today is the beginning of all of these possibilities. I know this journey will be one you will remember forever. Little, you did it, and I could not be prouder. Now enjoy this moment, because today marks the beginning of a new chapter.
With Love,
Your Big Sis