To my dearest, sweetest, darling Little,
Welcome to the most fascinating week of your life: Work Week. Being on this side of Recruitment is completely foreign and new for you, and this week is going to blow your mind. You are going to learn how to walk that confident walk, talk that girl flirt talk, and loads more of awesome sorority girl stuff. There is so much for you to master this next week, but never fear! Your Big has some wild advice to pass down to you to make the next six days of your life run a little more smoothly.
1. Always wear tennis shoes. Trust me on this one. After hours and hours of walking the walk your little piggy toes will be thanking you at the end of the day.
2. Pack extra snacks for your long days (and keep them in your mailbox for easy access). You'll find that the mid-afternoon hunger will hit you hard and it is always best to be prepared.
3. Wear comfy clothes, no one cares if you're all dolled up or not, you don't need to impress anyone.
4. Take your water bottle with you everywhere. It's hot. You'll need it. Stay hydrated, stay classy (aka no sweat).
5. Count to three and take a deep breath anytime you feel a little bit of snippy-snap coming out. People can sometimes be challenging to work with and work week is the best showcase of that. So go with the flow and think before you speak. You will learn to cooperate and work with others so much faster that way.
6. Girls will cry. Brace yourself for hypersensitivity. You'll either want to roll your eyes or break down right along with them. If you're sweet to them in their low points I promise you'll make tons of new friends. Learning to be empathetic is a life lesson that we all must learn at some point.
7. Don't take anything personally. There will be yelling and screaming and the occasional swearing, but you can't let it get to you. We need to look/act/be robots for the whole week and function as one group. We are all just helping each other get the parts aligned for our machine to be well oiled.
8. Make fun of everything. Realize that what you're doing is literally the most hysterically awkward and freakishly strange experience ever, and just run with it. Embrace the chaos and love it for what it is.
9. Remember that you are so much more than just a sorority girl. You are talented and beautiful and strong and independent and intelligent and a million other things. You've got this.
10. You've also got me. I'm your Big and I'm never going to let anything awful happen to you. Work week is more than survive-able and I will be by your side through all of it.
11. Have fun. You're never going to have an opportunity to work with so many fun, crazy, awesome people in one room ever again, so enjoy the hell out of it.
I love you so much!
Your Big