Dear Best Friend,
It is crazy that we have been friends for thirteen years. Thirteen years of being buds, being each others go-to's, being each other's right hand, confidant, therapist, opinion giver, secret keeper, and constant.
Thank you for always giving me advice, even when it's words I don't want to hear. Thank you for hearing me out, when I know you have better things to do than to listen to me complain. Thank you for not acting like my "hard day" is irrelevant, when we both know you probably had a worse day than I did. Thank you for staying up with me until 4:00 a.m., listening to me say the same thing over and over again the night I got hurt by some guy. Thank you for the countless Walmart trips, car rides, check-ins, and heart to hearts.
Thank you for never making a move. Thank you for keeping our friendship completely platonic. Thank you for always making me feel comfortable and like I am "one of the guys." Thank you for explaining simple mechanical terms to me, because you know I have no idea what you are talking about.
Thank you for listening to my pointless explanations of my workout, the new recipe I tried that day, or the new clothes I ordered online. Thank you for being supportive and inquiring about my life goals and plans. Thank you for not making fun of me when my common sense is lacking, but instead slightly point out that I am not thinking hard enough.
Thank you for not letting the fact that we are polar opposites, and continuing to grow as different people prevent our friendship from continually growing.
Thank you for making the effort to reach out everyday, even when we are both so busy with out own lives, jobs, relationships, and goals. Thank you for still reminding me that you are a shoulder to lean on, a shoulder to cry on, and an ear to listen.
Thank you for all the wonderful memories made throughout the years, I couldn't have asked for anything else
Your (female) BFF