Dear friend,
You've become a huge part of my life and now that you are leaving I can't help but be sad. The short time you've spent here with me through this crazy college experience will be memorable. You have changed my mindset about friendship and the world around me. I don't know how many times I've said "the world is small," but you have made it seem so huge, and the travel impossible. I may have been there through many of your first experiences here, such as your first KitKat or Reese's, your first cheeseburger, or slice of pizza, your first time roller-skating, time spent in NYC, or even your first time playing Head's Up. You have indeed taught me a great deal about friendship.
It may have been hard for you to understand every word I have said to you, but when I rephrased it in a way you could understand, you found it easy to relate to me, and often gave me advice that I had never heard before, or, you had a whole new approach on the matter. You were always willing to try new things here in America, and you were always interested in the culture.
It was exciting to learn that my life was so different from yours. I loved learning about your culture and your differences. You helped me open my eyes to the world around me by offering a different viewpoint, outlook, and opinion about life. You will be so very missed by me and college will not be the same without you. If you had not come all this way, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet you. You have changed my college experience in a positive way.
If you think about how huge the world is, I would say our meeting was, and still is, a miracle. I am truly appreciative.Many people have narrow mindsets when it comes to accepting people from different countries, who've come here to emerge themselves in American culture. However, there are people here who are absolutely welcoming and happy to see you, such as I.
Do not for one minute think you don't belong here. Because you do. America may not be your first home, but it can be your second one. Just know that I will be here for you after you travel back. It will be hard for me to say goodbye for now, but I know we can always meet up someday, either here or there. Thank you for getting to know me and giving me a whole new perspective on friendship and life. It's so cool to think I know someone from a whole different country who I can communicate with.
P.S. I give you so much credit for traveling this far to learn about our culture and emerging yourself in a culture you weren't used to, and doing it so well.
Your true American friend.