Brock/The One/Love Of My Life/Hubby/Best Friend In The World,
I love you more than life.
Now that I have your attention, I'm going to also start off by saying it will soon prove extremely difficult to comprise and summarize all of our love story and my immense affection for you into a single meaningful letter, but I'm going to try like hell to do it.
There are a million ways I could start off this letter, but I think the best way to begin would be to say thank you. Thank you for choosing me, always. Even when it was difficult for you to do so, you never stopped choosing me or loving me, ever. Even right now, you are silently choosing me by letting me write this letter to you while massaging my leg (you know I love massages almost as much as you) while I carry on with my work. You are an incredible human being, and I am so glad that I was lucky enough to be yours.
You always try and want me to feel loved. Whether I am sad and I truly need it or I am angry and I am pushing you away, your love for me is never absent from my mind. If I have a sudden whim, impulse, or craving you are always there to indulge it and keep my thoughts into your own considerations. You have loved me since the beginning, and in doing that, have cunningly tricked me into loving myself.
I've told you this many times before, but I can now say with confidence that being married to you has changed me for the better. I can also say with confidence that our marriage has taught me that marriage itself is far more than "just a piece of paper," a saying that many now are clinging to in justifying why they chose not to marry.
Marriage is beautiful, in its own way. It takes two people working together through difficulties to achieve the best parts of marriage: the everlasting memories.
Honestly, I am glad we got married when we did. I don't care that we got married young. I don't care that we decided on a whim that we were going to get married on that next Saturday (can you honestly believe that we planned our wedding in a week?!), and I definitely did not care that we made this decision together, despite the many criticisms we received from concerned friends, family, and others. It may not have been the "dream wedding" we first envisioned we'd have down the line (once we saved up loads of money), but we'd always hoped our marriage would be far more lovely than the wedding anyways. We were happy in the moment we decided to get married and we are certainly happy now, and that's really all we can ever ask for.
If I am proud of anything I do, I'm most proud of being your wife. I love everything about it! I love the nicknames I give you when I'm mad at you (Clumsy McGee when you spill, drop, or break anything; Speedy Gonzalez when you drive my car way too fast, and your full name for anything else!), the random late night McDonald's runs when we need a greasy snack to accompany our movie or television watching, and, of course, the affectionate kisses goodnight (or good morning) that I receive daily. I love you with all my heart, honey. These have been the best days of my life.
Happy six months of marriage, love.
Your wife
P.S. Thanks for the lovely last name.
All wedding photography and photos accompanied by this story were taken by my wonderful mother-in-law, Vivian Alley McLean, August 8, 2015.