I felt the need to write this letter to you all because there is something I’ve wanted to say but I didn’t know when or how to say it. It has been two years since we graduated together. I was ready to get the hell out of high school and move on. Most of us spent the last seven years together so we were ready to go to the next chapter of our lives.
I haven’t talked to a majority of you since graduation day but I hope you know that you’re on mind a lot recently. I think the reason why is because I wanted to have the support of a community the last year but I didn’t have that. It made me realize how our graduating class was so wonderful. I feel dumb because it took me way too long to realize.
We came together in some of the worst times of our young lives. I realize now that if I ever needed help from any of you, you would’ve been happy to help me. We went through some pretty dark times together, and I’m not just talking about seventh grade puberty, as unfortunate as that was. We stood together when we could’ve easily crumbled. We held on to those that had close family members who passed, we stood together when we lost members of our own community. We celebrated the big things and the little things. We rejoiced together and cried together. There are a lot of specific examples I could use because we spent so much time together, but I’m going to let you all find the memories that are the most important to you. It’s easy to go through high school and never look back, but I decided to look back a couple days ago.
I saw a group of 70-some teenagers who could’ve been very mean to each other and gossiped and spread nasty rumors, but they didn’t. I saw a group of teenagers that were kind and compassionate. They were unafraid of the world around them and had big dreams. When they saw something they didn’t agree with and thought was wrong, they wanted to change it instead just sit by and wait for something to happen. The group of teenagers that I remember was made of strong individuals who came together to form an even stronger community.
I am thankful that I got to be in that community. I know the word “community” is one we heard everyday at our high school but it honestly one I miss hearing now.
I suppose what I am trying to say is “thank you.” Thank you for being such amazing people and strong individuals. Thank you for being so passionate about life. Thank you for loving me and letting me love you back. Thank you for showing me the kind of person that I want to be.
Every single one of you has the amazing potential to change the world. You might not see it right now, but I know you can do whatever you want. Remember how brave and incredible we were in high school. Remember how it felt to feel invincible. Take that feeling and never let it go. I believe in you.
Things may be tough in the future, but know that you have changed my life for the better. I never got the chance to say “thank you” to most of you, so I am saying it now. I am so happy that I got to spend those weird but amazing seven years in our little community. I hope you can say the same thing.
Keep being awesome, Class of 2014.