As you begin the 2016 competition season, I wanted to just remind you why this sport is so important to you. I would do anything to step back on the mat and perform one last time with all of you. Not a day goes by where I don’t miss it.
Cheerleading has been the most rewarding sport I have ever been a part of. It has taught me about what it takes to be an inspiring leader. It has shown me what it means to truly work hard and fight for what you want. But most importantly, cheer allowed me to become a part of a family I care so much about.
Your teammates are your family, and while at times, drama may step in the way, you just need to step back and remember that you both share a common love for cheerleading. In order to achieve your goals, you must realize you are not just fighting for yourself, but for all the girls you have spent hours practicing with, and the coaches who put in their time and effort to push you to your greatest potential. I am promising you that opening up to your team and letting yourself dedicate your time to them will be the most rewarding.
Also, please take advantage of practice. Cheerleading takes effort, and if you are not willing to put it in at practice, then on competition day the likes of you hitting the whole routine are slim to none. Take it as seriously as you would expect someone else to. Show your peers at school that cheer is not as simple as they make it out to be, and make it known that the team has great potential.
You may end the practice sore, but just remember it is worth it. While right now, you may feel exhausted and over-worked from practice, still use any and all energy you have left to fight for that stunt, throw that tuck, raise your legs in a jump, or work it in the dance at competition.
There will come a day where it will be your very last time taking the mat and performing. Your days of doing the sport you love, with the team you have come to know so well, will end as it will for many other girls. Think of this reality as motivation. Take advantage of every opportunity cheerleading has to offer you, whether it be to improve yourself or improve your team. Do not take any second for granted. Practice and perform with everything you have.
Put your heart out on the mat and give it your best effort. When you step off, regret nothing. If you remember to do this, no matter the outcome, as a team you will feel content.
Now, girls, please remember why you chose to do this sport and why it is so important to you. I know you will miss it greatly.