Hey Grandpa,
I can hardly believe it's been almost 16 years since you passed away. It's been rough without you here, especially during the holidays. So much has happened in my life that I wish you could have been a part of.
I wish you could have seen me at my senior prom. I wore the most beautiful red dress, and I know you would have warned my date to treat me well. Don't worry, he was a gentleman the entire evening.
I wish you could have seen my high school graduation, too. Those four years felt like the longest years of my life, but I hope you'd be happy to know I graduated with honors. I know it made Grandma proud.
I wish you could have been here to meet my first boyfriend. Grandma really liked him. And I wish you could have been here for my first break up. Grandma even offered to beat him up, can you believe it? I know you can't see her hurting a fly. I think you would have known exactly what to say to make me feel better.
I turned 20 this year, and I'm a junior in college. I've made the Dean's List every semester, and I was just inducted into an honorary this month. I'm a fashion merchandising major, in case you wondered. Don't worry, I would never have told you your suspenders and flannels were out of style. They're what made you you.
I don't remember much about your final days here, and I'm kind of glad about that. To me, you'll always be the guy who would pretend to be asleep in his big brown armchair just so that I could run by and poke you and be surprised when you suddenly "woke up." I may not have known you for an incredibly long time, but I'm so grateful for the time I did know you. You'll always be my favorite person. I love you so much, and I'll miss you forever.
I hope you'd be proud of me,