Dear Grandad,
Honestly, I never imagined I’d have to say good bye. I always knew death was real, I’ve read about it in the papers and heard stories of friends losing loved ones, but I never thought it could happen to me. For so long I’ve been living in my own little blissful world, thinking that no matter how hard things might get, they will always get better. I remember sitting in your hospital room, watching as you worshipped there in your hospital bed. I thought to myself: “Any man who can worship like that in the midst of incredible pain has to make it.” I guess what I didn’t realize was that “making it” doesn’t necessarily mean a recovery here on Earth.
At first I didn’t understand what had happened. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the idea that you were gone. No more card games, fun conversations or laughing over your weird comments and cheesy jokes. But now I get it. Now I know what it feels like to lose someone I really love, and it hurts in a different kind of way than anything else. But at the same time, it has taught me lessons that could never be learned any other way. I’ve realized what an incredible man you were, and how lucky I am to have had you in my life. I’ve realized what people mean when they say you don’t appreciate what you have until it’s gone. But most of all, I’ve realized that I want to be just like you someday. You had a magic about you that made any and every child feel like the most special kid alive. Your laugh was contagious and your jokes, while sometimes lame, always gave me a good laugh. Your humility was mind-blowing after how successful you were and your dedication to the ones you loved is an example to all of what a good grandfather should be.
You were the one I could always count on to be proud of me, and if I ever grow to be half the person you were, I will be more than satisfied. I think I’ve finally realized how powerful memories can be because I know that even though it will be many years before I see you again, I will always have memories of you to hold close to my heart. I’ve accepted at last that “making it” for you meant going to a world without pain, a world where you get to worship not in a hospital bed, but by the side of Jesus. And I know that no matter how much I may wish you were still here, your home is Heaven now, and I wouldn’t want anything else for you. While there are certainly times when I miss your laugh, encouragement and wisdom, I am so thankful for the memories I had the privilege of making and the man I had the honor of knowing. You’ve changed my understanding of what it means to live fully and you’ve shown me how to love deeply. You really are a hero, and I know your legacy will be passed down for many generations to come.
So thank you. Thank you for teaching me how to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and giving me memories to inspire me for the rest of my life. I love you. See you soon Grandad.
With deepest love,
Another one of your granddaughters in awe of your legacy