To my favorite people on Earth:
Let me start out by saying that you are a beautiful human being and you deserve all the love in the world. Please know that when I say these things, I’m not saying them out of obligation, I truly do believe that you are worthy of receiving the best of the best.
As we get older I find it more and more common that we talk about subjects revolving around finding a serious relationship, which new diet we are trying, the amount of miles run for that day, as well as real life topics such as where we are moving after college and other big kid things. I just want to remind you that while there will soon be a time where we are settling down, there is no need to stress over the person who wasted their chance with you or society's opinion of your figure.
Every body comes in different shapes and sizes, and while I commend you on maintaining your health, I want you to remember that you are beautiful despite the number you read on the scale. You have a smile that lights up the room, you are sassy beyond belief – making every conversation we have full of laughter, and you have a heart of gold. Basically, you’re the queen of all queens (and I don’t say that lightly).
If someone screwed up their relationship with you, they clearly didn’t cherish you the way that you should be. It’s hard to feel rejected, but later on down the line you are going to realize that they weren’t even worth the time you were so selflessly giving to them. If they didn’t see you in the way that I do then they don’t even deserve a second thought.
There is so much more to life than finding someone to spend your down time with. I mean so much more. Our time here on Earth is SO precious, so it shouldn’t be spent worrying about when Mr. or Mrs. Right is going to waltz into your life singing a ballad from a Disney movie. Rather, it should be spent creating a life that you are proud of, one that makes your stomach jump with excitement. Take control of your freedom and own your independence. As cliché as it may sound, you are only young once, take full advantage of your life. Get that tattoo, move to that city, and hike that mountain, live your life the way you want to. Stop daydreaming about the life you could have. Make it happen. All you have to do is take that first step and dive into your life headfirst. You can do anything you set your mind to. I believe in you.
Someone Who Loves You