To my future kids,
I know absolutely nothing about you at this point in time. Right now I am a young adult who is trying to make her way into the real world and see where I end up. I am beginning my life and learning responsibilities that I will someday, hopefully, pass down to you. Even though I am young, I would be lying if I said I did not think about you often. I wonder what your passions will be, what music you will listen to or what your laugh will sound like. I do not like to picture what you will look like though, because I could not imagine how beautiful you will all be until I watch you live and grow. I want you guys to know that, whoever you will be, you are already in the back of my mind. Now, I have a few promises I want to make to you.
I promise that I will be as understanding as I can. I know that there will be hardships and disagreements, but I will not let that get in the way of our relationship. I know there will be things that you do that I do not understand and I tell you not to do. If you do those things anyway, I will not be mad. I cannot be. I may be frustrated at the time, but I will come to terms with it and do what I can to understand why you did what you did. My parents did this for me, and I believe it is such a respectable thing. It may not be easy, but I would rather understand you inside and out then just stick with my own opinions.
I promise to never stop trying. I know throughout your life I will make mistakes. I will fail to meet you where you need to be with a situation or just a small task. Even with those mistakes, I promise to fix the wrong I have done. I will learn from the times I let you down, and I will try my hardest to get back up and help you more. I can never promise that I won’t mess up, because if there is one thing I am certain of; it is that this will be hard. Caring for someone so much presents new challenges every day. I will always be trying to better myself for you and make sure you are always taken care of.
I promise to always support you. I do not care what you do, but always know you can come home at the end of the day. I will be with you during the good times and the bad times. You should know I want to be your biggest fan and I want to motivate you to be successful. I plan to be the mom cheering too loud on the side lines and volunteering to make team snacks. I’ll be there from the day you take your first steps to the day you walk for your graduation ceremonies and beyond. You will never stop making me proud.
Finally, I promise to love you. I will love you with all of my heart and then some. You are already so important to me. I can picture how much I will love you, but I know I will never truly know how much I love you until the day I meet you. You will be my everything. I will put you before myself and make sure I do all that I can to protect you. My parents have shown me how important it is to open your heart fully to your kids, and I hope to be able to do that for you. I look forward to meeting you someday, but until then I will keep living and learning so I can share my life lessons with you.
With all of the love I have to offer,
Your Future Mom
… A.K.A. Mama Sammer (Ask my high school friends about that one)