If there is anything I would want you to know, it would be that my love for you is endless and unconditional, even now being you are just a thought that will hopefully become a reality in my future.
I want you to know that you are and were wanted because even as I'm typing this letter in my creative writing class as a senior in high school, at 18 years old, one thing I'm absolutely sure about is you and trust me I'm not sure about a lot of things.
I don't know if this letter is a little selfish due to the simple fact that I can't wait to become a mother, which might sound weird to some people being I am so young, but if it is then be it because I was put on this earth to be a mother, but not now because I want nothing but the best for you. I want to be able to provide for you in every way possible when it comes to being financially, physically and emotionally stable enough to care for this little human being that I helped create and held for 9 months. I want to give you everything you deserve and more. I don't know what the future holds or what life has in store for me, but I know I will do whatever it takes to make sure you are happy and healthy before anything else, you're my first priority.
I also want you to know that life is scary, but yet nothing less than amazing and as you grow up you will know exactly what I'm talking about. Being young is amazing so enjoy it, take advantage of running on the playground and playing tag with your friends at recess because those are the moments you will miss the most.
Becoming a teenager sucks, but it's expected because you're trying to find yourself and where you fit in on this huge place we call earth, there will be people who want to see you fail, but look to them as motivation because there will also be people who truly want you to succeed and do great things, you'll experience high school, breakups, the harsh reality of what kids are like at this age, gross cafeteria lunch or maybe by that time the food will taste a little more like food (who knows) and lastly you might even diagnose yourself with a severe case of senioritis (which I might be currently experiencing, but who's noticing). This is where I can't go any further because I myself am experiencing the last few weeks before I officially graduate high school and enter the real world, but trust me I do get it.
I get life more than I maybe should at my age, but It might help me become a better and wiser mother to you eventually. Life is weird, families are crazy and dysfunctional, but they mean well, friends are great, but not all of them will stick around, find things that make you happy, love hard, go on adventures, stay kind, don't give up and most importantly love yourself. Oh yeah and also dogs are the best,so I hope you are prepared to receive one as a christmas gift one year.
If anything I want you to know that there are days when you'll be angry at the world and days where you feel like you're on top of it, but each and every day is worth it and just remember pain is temporary which is something I'm learning myself. Life is a beautiful thing, just give yourself a chance to see it.
On a last note, I want you to know that I have a pinterest board,well multiple boards based off all the things I want to be able to provide for you. I have multiple nursery ideas to pick from, the cutest little clothes and shoes of course, plus the most adorable ideas for maternity photoshoots. Just be prepared for very extra outfits and adorable family photos!
I love you more than life itself and I can't wait to have the opportunity to bring you into this world and teach you everything there is to know. I want you to know that I will always be there for you, no matter what. I will listen to you when you need me and I will support you no mater how you act, what you say, or the things you may do (because let's be real if your my kid you're going to have a wild and sassy personality).😘
I'm more than blessed to be your mom and I hope you know I will do anything for you. I love you too the moon and back.
Love, your mama ❤️
P.S. I'm not sure where your father fits into this picture, but i'm sure we'll fit him in somewhere ;)