Dear friends,
Now that I'm older I am learning lots of things about myself, I'm finding love, I am working and I am living. None of these things happened much when we were close. We didn't get our nails done or have long talks over gallons of ice cream, we didn't drive to the mall or try on homecoming dresses together. No, we had more then that.
Back when we were inseparable we had our talks, but they weren't over ice cream. They were during snack time in school or our slumber parties. We had our nails done by each other in your basement singing to all of Hannah Montana's songs. We didn't drive to the mall, we went to the mall with our moms and had them tracking us at every moment. We didn't try on homecoming dresses, we had hours of dress up and barbie playing where every dress was perfect.
Now that I am older I am seeing the world for what it is. I am learning about people and the way they react. I'm texting and snapping and shopping with my best friends now and I am happy. I am giving to other people, and running errands for my mom. I am giving relationship advice and finding out what x is. It was simpler with you.
When we were together I didn't know about people's reactions and how they feel about the things I say. I didn't text or snap or shop with you, I called you on my landline daily asking if we could have a play date and spent hours playing princesses.
With you finding x meant a letter in the alphabet, and relationship advice was just crushing on boys. With you there was no fear of failing or heartbreak or realizing you are alone.
While I am older and still learning things, I don't forget who I am. I don't forget who first taught me about friendship, or about life. I won't forget the countless hours together, building our dream lives, and spending hours watching movies at our slumber parties. I won't forget about book club, or girlscouts, or our friend group. I refuse to forget about my first real friends.
We may not be as close as before, but there is no doubt in my mind, when I need to take a second and remember who I am and where I need to go in life, I think of you. I think of us and the simplicity of or friendship together. I think of the giggles and the secrets. I think of how I grew from that person and everything that's changed. I remember you because you are a part of me. My childhood is you. You built me.
So, thank you for teaching me about life, and love, secrets, and friends. You are the best part of me and you always will be. You are responsible for every bit of who I am today. I love you all so very very very much.
"Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold"