I know how upsetting this must be.
So many exciting things happen around this time in the semester.
Formals, sporting events, championships, banquets, and ceremonies are just many of the things college students look forward to all year. They make going to class and putting in the work all worth it.
But now we feel as if all that hard work was for nothing.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't upset that all my friends were going back home and all the events I was looking forward to got canceled.
This semester was really exciting for me because I was meeting so many new people and getting more involved in student activities.
So yes, I am disappointed.
However, I get to resume all these things in the fall semester.
To my friends who are seniors, my heart breaks for you.
You don't get to enjoy every second of the last couple months of your last semester of college EVER.
These concerns are very selfish, yes.
People are losing their lives and losing loved ones.
The economy has taken massive hits and businesses are suffering.
My concerns are of little significance to the bigger picture here, and all I can do is follow the guidelines the government recommends and trust that this will make everything better.
I've enjoyed my sophomore year as much as I could, and am sad to see it end so soon.
College is a safe space for most students. A place that provides friendship, community, and a sense of belonging. Which is why so many of us are so upset to have that taken away.
All I have to keep in mind is that my junior year will be even better, and that I will get to experience college in its entirety once again.
And that this is only temporary.