There have been so many times that I've been let down by so many people, but there is one thing that has never failed me, alcohol. You don't really know your true self until you've stared at yourself in the mirror at a bar at 2am in the morning and questioned your life decisions. So, with this being said, here's to you, alcohol.
To my beer, you're the casual acquaintance that I can always get along with. When I'm with you, it's always a good time. You don't judge me no matter if I'm just wearing sweatpants and a sports bra, or just sitting on my bed still wrapped in a bath towel. Sure, you make me bloated, but you're cheap and inexpensive and still can make me happy.
To my wine, you've listened to me cry about tons of different things, boys, school, the fact that I'm running out of wine, and so on and so forth. It's not a negative relationship though. I'm happy to have you by my side for a girl's night full of pizza and Netflix, and there's nothing else I would rather come home to than a big bottle of you sitting on the kitchen counter for me to enjoy.
To my whisky, you're really only there for me when the going gets tough, unless you're fireball then you're there always. They're definitely right when they say whisky makes you frisky, but anyways it's not all about that. What it's really about is that you make me forget myself for a little while and make me feel just right.
To my scotch - no thanks.
To my gin, you're that okay friend that I can only be around a little while. Too much of you and I can get to be quite a handful, you are delicious though.
To my tequila, you and I have a love-hate relationship. My friend's love you for some reason, and don't get me wrong, you're not a bad guy, but damn do I feel rough the next day when I spend a night with you. Obviously, though, if you can make me feel that way the next day we had a great night beforehand even if I don't remember it sometimes.
To my rum, you're that tropical friend that knows just how to party. You got me through a lot in college and you go well with so many things. It honestly doesn't even matter what you go into you still taste delicious and it's awesome.
Lastly, to my dearest friend, vodka. Where would I be without you? You've been with me through the best of times and the worst of times. The best nights that I've had have been spent passing a big bottle of you around with my closest friends and staying up until all hours of the morning talking about life. You make me feel extra special inside, so thank you for all that you've ever done for me.