We all know that break-ups suck, no matter whether you are being broken up with, or you are the one doing the breaking-up. In my case, I was the one to end the relationship. It could have been worse, but it also could have ended better, too. I have a lot of love and respect for my ex, who we will call B, for all short. He was my first love... how could I not be enamored my him? I ended the relationship for multiple reasons, but ultimately because I felt that we were growing in separate directions.
It's been just over three months since the initial break-up. Side-note, we dated for four years. A few days ago, I received a text from B. It broke my heart. I don't want to say what it said, but to give you an idea, it told me that he has still not moved on. I hate that I hurt him and now I had to do it all over again.
In the four years that B and I dated, I became very close with his family. Close enough that I referred to them as my own family. I still feel that way, even today. Anyway, when things ended, I never was able to say goodbye them before the relationship came to an end.
That being said; here is an open letter to B's family.
Dear family,
Thank you for letting me be a part of your family for four good years. Each and everyone of you was so kind and loving to me. I am beyond grateful that I was able to know you all. What a wonderful family to be a part of. An example of what a family should be. Not only close immediately, but extended family as well. You accepted me as a daughter, grand-daughter, sister, niece, and cousin. And gave me an incredible amount of love that I will treasure for an eternity.
I want to thank you all. Thank you for accepting me from the first day I met you. For all the family dinners, vacations, holiday parties, everything. Thank you for letting me babysit your children. They are by far the cutest kids I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Just like you, they hold a very special place in my heart.
I have so much gratitude to B's Aunts, uncles, and grandparents for always talking to me. Always keeping me involved and showing genuine curiosity on my well-being. You are all amazing.
In my family, I am the youngest of my siblings. I never knew what it was like to have little siblings and the responsibilities you have when you are an older sister. That is, until I met B's sisters. I miss all three of you terribly. K, thank you for all those talks and being one of my dear friends. H, keep you head high and never stop creating art. You have a real talent, not too mention how smart you are! Miss S, never stop being that spunky-sweet girl. I miss all of your funny jokes and your warm-hugs. I love you all very much and think about you often. I'm very sorry if I have hurt you.
And finally, to B's mom: I have learned many things from you. You accepted me as one of your own. You have shown me support, encouragement, and guidance. You shaped me into a better women, and for all of this I must thank you. I know it cannot be easy sharing your kids, especially your only son. Thank you for letting me love him and take up so much of his time. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to create so many wonderful memories. You raised a good son with a big heart, which I'm truly sorry that I broke.
I'm sorry to all of you for that very same reason. In time I know that with all your support he will be okay. I know this because I was able to experience it first hand for four years. And I'm forever grateful for that.
All the love,