Dear Cancer,
First off, what is wrong with you? You make people sick and confuse the doctors on how to make those people better. You spread like wildfire if you aren't caught fast enough and you take people that we love away from us.
Well guess what, cancer? I won't let you ruin my life. I won't let you ruin my friends' and family's lives. Maybe cancer runs in my family, maybe I've lost people and I'm still losing people to you, but I will never let you take me down. I will stand tall, take those words from the doctor to heart and remember that you will not last forever. Someday you won't be here anymore and all those people you infect will.
Cancer, you are a bully, an enemy and worst of all, a coward. When you are in the process of doing what you do best, taking someone away from me, I learn. I learn that every moment on this earth is special and that in a second those moments can change. We begin to appreciate those that we take for granted every day.
Our routines change, our lives change and we will never be the same because of you. But we fight to forget what you did, we fight to destroy the memories of suffering and guilt that you caused us. We become strong because of you, wise because of you and smart because of you. You make us careful about looking for warning signs that you are coming so we can destroy you before you have a chance to do it to us.
Do you realize how many people you take from us? People who are on this earth for a reason and you take them. You make me sick just knowing how many great people you have taken.
I just want you to know one thing, cancer. If you ever dare to make my family and friends suffer even more than they should have to because of you, then you will be destroyed by modern medicine.
Someday, we will be able to relax knowing that the cure for cancer is right around the corner, but for now, those people you are affecting are helping us get closer to prevent this from happening to our future generations. Someday, your name will not be feared, but laughed at because you can be destroyed with such ease.