I would love for you to never have to read this letter, because that would mean you're not hurting. Unfortunately the harsh reality is your heart is going to be broken more times than you can keep count of.
There's different types of heartbreak. There's going to be times you sink deep into your sheets and cry until there are no tears left. Then there is a sadness where you can't sit still, you'll get in your car and drive until the pain eases. Some of those times you won't shed a tear, it's more of a silent pain that you keep completely to yourself.
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I can't fix your heart but I hope you can find comfort knowing I was in your exact shoes not long ago. Hell, I still find myself there sometimes. It's part of growing as a person. Having your heart broken prepares you and shows you what situations not to walk into again.
I know the boy you're in love with broke your heart, he was giving other girls his attention and possibly more than that. There's nothing I can say right now that will heal that wound he created but when this has passed I want you to remember that someone will come along and make you forget all the details, even the worst ones, of what he did to you. You will eventually forgive him, not because he apologized but because you realized that's what it took to not become bitter and to finally move on. Actually a guy might not be the one to make you forget, you may get so busy improving yourself that the pain subsides one day while you weren't even paying attention. It does not not take a guy for you to realize your worth! I hope I've drilled that into your pretty little head by now.
You may not even be hurting over a guy right now. Your best friend may have decided she's not your best friend anymore. And that's okay. As you grow older you'll realize some people aren't meant to walk this path of life with you forever. Don't take it personally when life takes you down different roads, instead be thankful for what they taught you and the memories you made with them.
Someone your age may have passed away or even a friend. When that happens it's a wake up call that life can be cut short at anytime and we are never promised tomorrow. So living everyday like your last is all you can do. Grieve them but don't let their death keep you from living your life that you are still blessed to have.
No matter the reason that you're heart is broken right now I just want you to know you're mom has been there. As cliche as it sounds. I can promise you that it does get better and time most certainly heals all wounds. The moments that leave you breathless with fear and a broken heart are the same moments that make you stronger. All my love, always.