There are so many articles about dance, and how it has impacted your own person. However, there are not that many articles honoring the women who teach us, and they deserve the biggest honor in the world.
Dear Dance Teachers,
Thank you. There I said it. This thank you is so broad because you have taught us so much more than the art of dance. You have taught us how to be proper young ladies, and how to be driven individuals.
You have seen us at our best and at our worst. Encouraging us to keep trying during a wobbly triple pirouette, and then lighting up with excitement for us when we finally land it. You gave us passion, for if it wasn't for you, we would not be doing some of the things we love. You stand by us no matter what we do and provide words of encouragement even after we leave the nest that is the studio.
You are more than just dance teachers, you are some of our greatest friends, and for some second mothers. Spending multiple days and nights a week with you make us want to work hard so we do not disappoint you.
We admire you, you work so hard to come up with amazing choreography and to find music to fit it. Sometimes we forget that you spend long sleepless nights, coming up with this choreography, however, it is not unnoticed.
You are our second family. We notice that we are treated like daughters or sons to you, and we appreciate that. We know that you are doing what you love and that we are a second family to you. We want you to know that we notice everything that you do for us. Even when you miss something that your own family is doing, just so you can calm our nerves before going on stage at a competition or a recital.
Our independence is because of you. At a young age, you taught us how to do our hair and makeup, put on tights, how to properly put on a costume, and how to master a quick change. By the age of 10, we were able to do all of this by ourselves without a flaw.
We love you. You have been with some of us for 15 years, making an impact on our lives that will last a lifetime.
We wouldn't be the young women that we are today if it wasn't for you. Although our parents raised us, you raised us too. We learned something from each of you and for that we are forever grateful.
So thank you dance teachers for everything.
Love Always,
A Former Student