Dear Dad,
It always seemed crazy to me that they deem one day a year to appreciate fathers everywhere. Every time June comes around I think about this fact and how you all should be acknowledged every day of the year. But just like everyone else I get sucked into life and don't say thanks enough for what you do.
So on this Father's Day I want to prove to you that I do recognize how much you do for me every day. Over the last year you have been there through it all. You were there when my Rugby team won states and when I graduated high school. You dropped me off at college and helped me set up my dorm room, just you and me. You checked up on me and never hesitated to answer my phone calls regardless of what you were doing. You celebrated my successes and encouraged me to do better when I failed. You told me to keep my head up and that every day is a new one. You came to get me once my finals were over, and you hugged me tight when you saw me.
Even when you were struggling, you never let me down. This past year you had battles too, and it seemed like life has been throwing every obstacle it has at you. But nothing gets you down. You wake up every day smiling, a quality I try to mimic. You fight for what is right, something I need to do more often. You work your ass off for me and our family, and taught me that nothing will be handed to you. I have what I do now because you never stopped. You never stopped working, fighting, striving, or loving. You are stronger than ever now, and inspire me every day.
I know how lucky I am to have you when many people I know don't have a father around. I always hope you know and can see how much I value you and the fact that you are such a huge presence in my life. You are the most amazing man I have ever met, and I aspire to be at least half the person you are. You have the biggest heart, and are the only person who can make me laugh when I am at my lowest. I'm lucky to have the relationship I do with you, and I have the utmost respect for you. You're my hero, and I will always be your little girl.
I couldn't ask for a better role model in my life. Thanks Dad - Love you bud.
Happy Father's Day.