Dear Dad,
Let me start this off with saying that I know how hard my leaving is on you. I am the baby of the family and me leaving is a sign that we are all growing older. I want to thank you for getting me to this point: the point where I feel comfortable spreading my wings and chasing my ambitions. I wouldn't be where I am without your support you've shown me my entire life. As much as I love home, I know that through your support it's okay to do things outside of my comfort zone. I know that I won't be returning to our small town. I know that there's more for me to do. Because of your awesome parenting I can change the world, which is what I plan to do.
I can't thank you enough for leading me here. I wouldn't be the driven, opinionated, adventurous, and stubborn woman I've become without you in my corner. Thank you for being the best single parent. I know how hard it was to raise two girls as a male. It's not easy dealing with hormonal teenage girls. I know you think you could have done better, but I disagree. Thank you for teaching me the importance of hard work. Watching you work so hard to put food on the table has caused me to know the importance of working for everything you need. You always forced me to respect people, but question authority and through that I've grown to see the world through pretty open eyes. Thank you for never questioning my dreams to leave home and be much more than the small town I grew up in. Thank you for always telling me how proud of me you were because those were crucial moments in my life. Thank you for listening to my stresses that to you seemed like nothing, but to me seemed like everything.
Always know that home will always be home. Especially because you're there. Home is where my dog is, where the best food is made, where we watch the Bears lose, where we bicker about politics, and where I feel most complete. Thank you for creating that for my sister and I.
It's simply time for me to embark on my own journey. I hope you know that it's not because I want away from you or a terrible household. That is so far from the truth. As I start senior year it's time to focus on what I want for myself as an adult. I know with your support the possibilities are endless. You've always been there when I needed something or advice. Even though you believe I'm grown up let me tell you I still need my dad. I'm still going to call you when I don't understand something, need your advice, or simply when I just am missing you. Also know, I miss you as much as you miss me. I miss home, too. It's hard going into my old room and nothing being there but storage. It's hard to accept that I am no longer five years old getting angry when you go to the grocery store without me. It's hard to process you're no longer asking me how sixth grade was, but instead you're asking me if I've paid my rent. Growing up is as difficult for me as it is for you, but we can get through this.
Again, Thank you for not only being the best father imaginable, but my best friend as well.
I miss you old man,
Your daughter