I remember uncomfortably shifting from one foot to the other and glancing around taking everything in. The gym was full of strangers laughing and talking not-so-quietly; a sea full of faces that I had never seen before. I studied the team and completely second guessed my decision to make myself vulnerable. The first year of college is always full of unfamiliar situations. Could I endure this one? Of course, because I knew that worst case scenario, I could quit and it would be okay.
However, the first trial practice turned into a trial week. I should have known then that I was hooked. I should have known then that quitting was never an option. I continued to stay even when other new girls walked out or never came back. The decision to return each practice was the best decision that I have ever made.
But, each time I would try to catch, my hands were shaky. Each time I would try to run, my legs seemed unfamiliar to me. I constantly made a fool out of myself due to nervousness. And although I know you all noticed, you were patient and you pushed me to improve. When I felt as if my legs would give out, a pat on the back or a simple, “You can do this” kept me upright. Soon, I memorized all of your names and practice was something I desperately looked forward to. Each time we would walk together to practice or hang out in the hours before or after, I learned new things about all of you. With each moment spent , you strangers started turning into my best friends.
I can’t remember when it happened. I can’t recall the exact moment in which I realized that somehow, I had surrounded myself with a group of people that encompassed the definition of family. I am fortunate enough to be around people that would do anything for me and that I would do anything for. I have managed to find people to laugh with, to grow with, to sweat with, and to love. Knowing that I have people like you in my life, no matter how many passes I miss or mistakes that I make, proves to be the biggest motivator for not only being a better player, but a better person. You’re a crazy bunch, but I love you all so much and I wouldn’t trade you for anything.
Thank you for the late nights and the early mornings. Thank you for the times we'd laugh until we were gasping for air. Thank you for your guidance, your strength, and for everything you’ve done to make me feel like I always have a family to be in and a place to call home.