While in college, there are very few people who you grow as close to as your college roommates. Whether you have known them for years or whether you have just met them, that bond is irrevocable. They are there to hear you vent, laugh with (or at) you and be that shoulder that you need to lean on when times get tough. There is nothing quite like the bond that forms between you. So here is a letter to thank each and every one of them for all that they do.
Dear Precious Roommate,
First of all, thank you for agreeing to put up with my crazy self. I know sometimes living with me can be difficult, but somehow we all manage to coexist in a somewhat peaceful environment. You are one of the only people who understands my “unique” quirks; not only do you accept them but you love me for them.
Thank you for being there when life happens and I fall flat on my face. At some point in the year, everyone has a breaking point, whether it be a failing grade, a loss of a loved one or the seemingly unavoidable relationship troubles. Through it all, you are there to offer a shoulder to cry on, chocolate or just a comforting hug.
Thank you for stepping in as our honorary family members when we need it. Some of us are miles away from our family, and there are days when all you want to do is hug your mom. You somehow manage to be a nurturing mother, a playful sibling and a stern father. You give it to us straight because at the end of the day, though we are not related by blood, we have become a family away from home.
Thank you for being on top of my schedule. It is because of you that I remembered that 8 AM class and to occasionally shower. Thank you for worrying about me when I’m not home yet, and for making sure I go to bed at a semi-decent hour. Well, by decent, I mean not staying up past midnight.
Thank you for bringing joy to my life. But laughter is what keeps the harmony going. Living with people who know how to make you laugh makes the whole year and all of the bad times worth it. So thank you for always screen-shotting the weird selfies I send you and for somehow always managing to catch my most unflattering self on video.
Most importantly, thank you for not judging me. As roommates, we see the good, the bad and the very ugly; however you accept me when I dress like a homeless person and when I pretend that my outfit is on point. You are always there to give that much-needed opinion on whether my clothes really match and that my makeup doesn’t look like it was put on in the dark.
Whether you know it or not, you have become one of my best friends. Living together may not always be picture-perfect, but nothing in life ever is. I’m sorry for every time I have gotten on your nerves and yet love me anyway. There is no one else I would rather share food, blankets, or the bathroom with.
That hot mess that lives down the hall.