An Open Letter To My College "Framily" | The Odyssey Online
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An Open Letter To My College "Framily"

You could say that we are all friends, but you wouldn't be scratching the surface.

An Open Letter To My College "Framily"
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To my college framily,

With so many memories, I only could dream of where to begin. You are the ones who continuously pick me up when I am feeling down, share countless amounts of laughter, and more experiences than I could imagine possible.

I remember the first time we met. I was walking into my first class of the new semester, not really knowing too many people around me. I look for the first open seat that I can find, and quietly await the start of class, unaware of anyone around me. Towards the end of the class, filled mainly with silence and short banter here and there, you guys grab my attention. We being our friendship with a few witty remarks, and couple giggles here and there, then go about our days as usual. What began with basic conversations slowly progressed to other shared classes, a few lunch breaks, and suddenly we are spilling all of our secrets and laughing uncontrollably about who knows what anymore.

But when did it go from just a common friendship to a full blown college framily? I can recall a time when we were all sitting together and the time turns from fun to sour instantly. I can't exactly remember what occurred, but what I can tell you about are the first people to rush to my rescue when I felt as though everything was crashing down. As my college framily, you all are there regardless of the time of day or the hectic schedules that overcome you. When I began my college career, I was just a loud mouth girl from the middle of nowhere Indiana, with no idea what was about to happen with these next four years. Meeting you and creating this bond is unlike any experience I have encountered until now. As a framily we are there for each other, regardless of the situation. You all love me for my true, unapologetic self, and I feel for you just the same. You all mean more to me than any friendship has, and knowing that the bond of our college framily is so strong is what has made these years so pivotal to me. Even long after college is over, you all will forever remain in my heart, as well as in my life I hope.

Love you to the moon and back,

Your Forever Framily Member

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