Dear fam,
We've been through thick and in, yet we haven't managed to pull apart. Believe it or not, they say the best friendships come out of college, or really any time between eighteen and your mid-twenties. I've met my group of goofy, weird, trusting, and loyal friends that I can call family. No matter how far in life we go, or how far distance takes us, we will never break the unfarhomable connection between two hearts and two minds. One mind to think of ourselves as friends, and one heart to cherish the love we give each other.
You've got a friend in me, and I'm glad you're on this exciting rollercoaster we call life with me. Without you, there would be no Bonnie and Clyde, no peanut butter and jelly; nor would there be life without the darker times and someone to help guide us through the storm that wants to rip us from each others arms.
To break this connection, it's like not wanting to pet a puppy or even hold the puppy. You just sit there and watch the puppy as it nudges at you to play with it. We are like grilled cheese and tomato soup, we are compatible.
To the ones that have made my life the way it is now, thank you