To the friends who know me better than anyone, who have stuck by my side no matter what, this is for you. You guys mean more to me than any possession I own in this world. All of the fun times we've had together, the times of hardship we have helped each other through, the study session, vacations, sporting events and memories we have made that will last a lifetime are absolutely priceless.
Thank you for sticking by my side and always being there for me in my worst of times and lowest life moments. You guys have always helped me pick myself back up after every hard time I've had and you have helped me become a better person and learn from my mistakes and help me through my hardest times. I hope you know that I am always here for you and know that you can always come talk or vent to me about anything and I will help you through it and always be there for you.
Thank you for the great times. Whether it's going on a weekend trip or just going to hang out at someone's house and watch movies, you always provide great times. They say it's not what you do, but whom you're with, and being with you guys provides the best of times. Everyone has that select group of friends where you communicate just by quoting your favorite TV shows or movies and that really shows how close we are.
To the friends who have been with me since pre-K: you guys are my ride 'n dies. We seriously have been through everything together and I know we will be friends for the rest of our lives and be there for all of the big moments in each other's lives. Thank you for putting up with me and I'll personally say you are very welcome I still put up with you. We have always been there for each other and always will be and you guys are like family to me. But actually better than family because we see each other more often than that once a year reunion.
To the friends I have made in college: We haven't known each other for an incredible amount of time but it seriously already feels like a lifetime. You guys have already been there for me through so much and we have had so many great times together by having movie nights, going to sports games, study session, and meals so often together. In you guys I know that I have also made lifelong friends and hope that we will always be there for each other even in our life after college is over.
To my true friends who have stuck it out even in the worst of situations and long periods of time,
being separated from one another, thank you and I love each of you so much!